Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Come to me, yummy Dogfish Head

I love beers with flavor, so I'm so happy to say that, it just arrived.
Dogfish head's Punkin Ale.

One of my favorite breweries, you give me anything from Dogfish Head, and I'm guzzling in content with a smile on my face.

If you're tired of the same old - same old, watered down beers that leave you with no memory of their existence after you drink them (except that you have to go to the bathroom faster), then come in and step into flavor country.

Two of my all-time fav's are: Dogfish Head's Midas Touch (honey & spice, so nice at 9% abv) & Palo Santo Marron (vanilla & caramel complexity at 12% abv).

I don't have the time at night to shoot down a whole 6 pack, so I look for a concentrated burst, an explosion of flavor that packs a wallop and sends me spiraling into my drunken oblivion.

Come join me in my perpetual oblivion.


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